
Welcome to my blog!
My hope is to use this site to share some of my insights and adventures, and for you to respond by
contributing yours as well. The theme i've chosen is entitled "growing". Because that's God's desire
for all of us.
Whether you are in the seedling stage, you just got trimmed back, you've been dug up and transplanted,
your a cutting stuck into the ground, your in a dormant stage, or you've just been harvested for your fruit...
you were created to grow in the Lord.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Volleyball... Central America Style!!!

Dave, Kurt, Kristy, Paul, Kristi, Don, Kelsey.... and coconuts, of course!

Early morning set up
       I have had access to a beach volleyball court since 1979.  I was 14 then, and learned how to play volleyball from some of the best players in the world while living in Santa Monica.  I was hooked from the get go and have been fortunate to play for many years in different competitive settings.  A huge plus over the years has been having great friends that are also great players!!!

     I knew moving to Costa Rica meant big changes, one being, no volleyball:  no court and too hot!!  Every now and then, I would make Don rally with me, but it just was not the same as playing a match on a full court.
      Fortunately last April we found some players, Dave, Fred, and a couple, Kurt and Kristy, that visit with their portable net system.

      It doesn't take long to set up the net and they even have a nice set of lines, but you need to start at 6:30am because it's too hot after 9:00 am usually.  The humidity and heat suck the air and energy out of you.  And sweating is taken to a new level!!  Can someone say "hydrate"!?!?

      As you can see, the location is amazing and up high enough out of the tide zone.  It's the only place in the area that is without palms and far enough away from the surf to not get wiped out.  
Here's the whole gang below, photo taken in June.

Here's the gang, minus Kurt...
   So, volleyball matches come and go here like the rain and swells... you just never know when you'll get a chance to play so you try to take advantage of it when you can.  Sometimes, when no games were to be had, Kelsey and I would rally out of desperation to move around and touch a ball.  It doesn't take long to exhaust yourself with a little pepper rally.  To avoid heat stroke, there's the reward of jumping in the 80 degree water to cool off.

      Kelsey has really not played much volleyball in her lifetime...but she has seen a lot played.  She is enjoying the game more and more as her skill and confidence grows... her great attitude is a given.

     Since Kelsey had some time to hang out here before she went up to live in the mountains for school, she was able to play with a fun family that was in town for a couple months, The Murdoch's.  They have 6 kids who, some older and some younger than Kels so it was perfect to get a bunch of vball in.
     The Murdoch's built a permanent court right in front of the little grade school and close to all the "action" in town.  We all had a great time playing, surfing and having bbq's together.  So many people are ready and willing to help out in this community when someone takes the reins and gets a project going.  We had a neighbor, Chris, with his chain saw cutting up trees that could not be dug up near the court, so people would not skewer themselves going after an errant pass or dig.
Chris in background with chain saw
       This turned out to be a great spot in front of the school.  I got the word out to vball friends back in the states that they could donate an old volleyball to the great Central American Volleyball Association... hahaha!  I just made that up... but seriously, I was able to contact the PE instructor who visited every tuesday and we had grades 1st-3rd, and then 4th-6th rotate thru the class and learn some techniques.
Sign made by Chloe and Claire Murdoch
      These next photos are dedicated to Renee, Kathryn, Mona, Wendy and Valinda (hopefully I didn't miss anyone) who all donated their volleyballs so I could teach the kids.  Thank you so much for making it possible for me to introduce this sport to these children!!!  I would throw this big bag of balls on the front of my bike and ride to the beach to meet the kids.
     It was fun to watch the enthusiasm and improvement.  It was challenging for me to teach volleyball in spanish!  I used a lot of charades - acting out words that I didn't know...hahaha!

    It's always interesting to hear what comes out of my mouth, especially if it actually makes sense.

      Recto, brazos, directo, doble rodillas, pase, golpear, pegar, carerra, corre, divertido y sonrisa.... are some of the words I had to learn....and then put them in a sentence:)

      You can't tell from these photos how hot and sweaty it is.  These kids are amazing.  They never complain and are eager to play.

They were all so cute!!!

      Unfortunately, the deluge of wet season rains came and with them, some very high tides that wiped out our wonderful court in front of the school.

      So instead of playing vball, we did beach cleanup, picking up all the trash that floated in from all over the place.  Our poor little court was ruined.

      Since then, we have moved the court about 1 mile down the beach to the location that we set the temp system up at when Kurt and Kristy are in town.  It is too far for the school kids, but hopefully, we will be able to restore the school court for Jan thru August fun.

Dave helps us dig up and move the poles down the beach...

       Kelsey's roommate from school, Hana, came for a visit and went hard at work helping scoop sand out so we could erect poles for new court.  I just couldn't help piling some sand on her with my shovel!  Hana happens to be a volleyball player that graduated from San Clemente High!  She was a defensive Specialist on the team and it shows!

Great match....A little sandy, but the water is steps away!
Fresh pipa juice anyone???
                              PURA VIDA!


  1. Great Job Mi Esposa! ...Senora Extremo in Action!

  2. Wow mom this turned out great! Love all of the photos. You rock on and off the court!! :)


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